General Information

240 volts; Like the UK, sockets are 13 amp square pin type.
Cypriot banks provide full banking services and accept all major cards. ATMs are widely available. Opening hours are:
May-September - Mon-Fri 08.15-13.30
October-April - Mon-Fri 08.30-13.30 & Mon 15:15-16:45
In tourist areas special branches provide afternoon service.
Cyprus adopted the Euro from 1 January 2008.
Currency exchange is available at Banks and some shops. You will generally get a better rate locally than in the UK. To check the current exchange rates click Here.
Shop opening hours are usually 8am - 6pm but with half days on Wednesday & Saturday. Most shops are closed on Sunday with the exception of most kiosks.
There are supermarkets, chemists, clothes shops (including Debenhams and Next) etc.
Medical facilities
Medical facilities are provided through the national Health run general hospitals in all resort towns. Emergencies for tourists are free. In addition there are private clinics which cater for all medical needs, at a charge.
Make sure that you carry your insurance policy with you. Some chemists remain open all night on a rota basis.
The Cyprus telephone and postal system are highly efficient. Local English language newspapers as well as those from Britain and other European countries are widely available.
Public Holidays
Public holidays for 2019 and 2020 are shown below.
2019 2020
New Year's Day 1 January 1 January
Epiphany 6 January 6 January
Green Monday (Monday of Lent) 11 March 2 March
Greek Independence Day 25 March 25 March
Greek Cypriot National Day 1 April 1 April
Good Friday 26 April 17 April
Easter Sunday* 28 April 19 April
Easter Monday 29 April 20 April
May Day / Labour Day 1 May 1 May
Whit Monday / Pentecost / Kataklysmos 17 June 8 June
Assumption Day 15 August 15 August
Cyprus' Independence Day 1 October 1 October
Greek National Day (Ochi Day) 28 October 28 October
Christmas Day 25 December 25 December
Boxing Day 26 December 26 December

* Western (Catholic, Anglican, and Protestant) Easter as normally celebrated in the UK, is on 21 April 2019 and 12 April 2020.